Microsoft Access Pros QuickBooks Link Developer's Guide - Classes

Microsoft Access Pros, Inc. has developed a Microsoft Access executable (qblink.accde) library that allows communication directly with QuickBooks versions from QuickBooks 2002 up to QuickBooks 2015 (and likely future years).


The classes listed below cannot be used directly in the application due to a limitation of Microsoft Access. Therefore, the developer must create an Object, assign the object to a class via a Class Wrapper function, and then use the object to reference all methods and properties.

For example:

Dim qbCustomerAdd As Object
Set qbCustomerAdd = cwGetQBCustomerAdd()
logRaiseErrorQb qbCustomerAdd.SetCompanyId(rsClients!lngClientId)
Set qbCustomerAdd = Nothing


Class Wrapper
clsQBCustomerAdd cwGetQBCustomerAdd
clsQBVendorAdd cwGetQBVendorAdd
clsQBBill cwGetQBBill
clsQBBillLine cwGetQBBillLine
clsQBInvoice cwGetQBInvoice
clsQBInvoiceLine cwGetQBInvoiceLine
clsQBPurchaseOrder cwGetQBPurchaseOrder
clsQBPurchaseOrderLine cwGetQBPurchaseOrderLine
clsQBSalesReceipt cwGetQBSalesReceipt
clsQBSalesReceiptLine cwGetQBSalesReceiptLine
clsQBPayment cwGetQBPayment
clsQBClassAdd cwGetQBClassAdd
clsQBPaymentMethodAdd cwGetQBPaymentMethodAdd
clsQBSalesTaxAdd cwGetQBSalesTaxAdd


Class Definitions

All Set methods return True if successful, or False if not. The only known way of returning False is if the developer does not pass a string.  The Set methods limit the string passed to the Max Length, without error for exceeding the Max Length.

Function Set Max Length
ClearCustomerAdd() As Boolean
GetAltContact() As String
GetAltPhone() As String
GetBillToAddress1() As String
GetBillToAddress2() As String
GetBillToAddress3() As String
GetBillToAddress4() As String
GetBillToAddress5() As String
GetBillToCity() As String
GetBillToCountry() As String
GetBillToPostalCode() As String
GetBillToState() As String
GetCompanyId() As Long
GetCompanyName() As String
GetContact() As String
GetEmail() As String
GetFax() As String
GetFullName() As String
GetListId() As String
GetNameFirst() As String
GetNameLast() As String
GetNameMiddle() As String
GetNotes() As String
GetPhone() As String
GetPhoneMobile() As String
GetQbName() As String
GetSalutation() As String
GetShipToAddress1() As String
GetShipToAddress2() As String
GetShipToAddress3() As String
GetShipToAddress4() As String
GetShipToAddress5() As String
GetShipToCity() As String
GetShipToCountry() As String
GetShipToPostalCode() As String
GetShipToState() As String
SetAltContact(ByVal strAltContact As String) As Boolean 15
SetAltPhone(ByVal strAltPhone As String) As Boolean 21
SetBillToAddress1(ByVal strBillToAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress2(ByVal strBillToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress3(ByVal strBillToAddress3 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress4(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress5(ByVal strBillToAddress5 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToCity(ByVal strBillToCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetBillToCountry(ByVal strBillToCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetBillToPostalCode(ByVal strBillToPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetBillToState(ByVal strBillToState As String) As Boolean 21
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean
SetCompanyName(ByVal strCompanyName As String) As Boolean 41
SetContact(ByVal strContact As String) As Boolean 15
SetEmail(ByVal strEmail As String) As Boolean 1023
SetFax(ByVal strFax As String) As Boolean 21
SetFullName(ByVal strNameFull As String) As Boolean 209
SetListId(ByVal strCustomerListId As String) As Boolean
SetNameFirst(ByVal strNameFirst As String) As Boolean 25
SetNameLast(ByVal strNameLast As String) As Boolean 25
SetNameMiddle(ByVal strNameMiddle As String) As Boolean 5
SetNotes(ByVal strNotes As String) As Boolean 4095
SetPhone(ByVal strPhone As String) As Boolean 21
SetPhoneMobile(ByVal strPhoneMobile As String) As Boolean 21
SetQbName(ByVal strQbName As String) As Boolean 41
SetSalutation(ByVal strSalutation As String) As Boolean 15
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress5 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean 21

When setting, the Terms, VendorType, and all ListIds, each must match existing values within QuickBooks.

Function Set Max Length
ClearVendorAdd() As Boolean
GetAccountNumber() As String
GetAltContact() As String
GetAltPhone() As String
GetCompanyId() As Long
GetCompanyName() As String
GetContact() As String
GetEmail() As String
GetFax() As String
GetListId() As String
GetNameFirst() As String
GetNameLast() As String
GetNameMiddle() As String
GetNameOnCheck() As String
GetNotes() As String
GetPhone() As String
GetPhoneMobile() As String
GetQbName() As String
GetSalutation() As String
GetShipToAddress1() As String
GetShipToAddress2() As String
GetShipToAddress3() As String
GetShipToAddress4() As String
GetShipToAddress5() As String
GetShipToCity() As String
GetShipToCountry() As String
GetShipToPostalCode() As String
GetShipToState() As String
GetTerms() As String
GetVendorAddress1() As String
GetVendorAddress2() As String
GetVendorAddress3() As String
GetVendorAddress4() As String
GetVendorAddress5() As String
GetVendorCity() As String
GetVendorCountry() As String
GetVendorPostalCode() As String
GetVendorState() As String
GetVendorType() As String
SetAccountNumber(ByVal strAccountNumber As String) As Boolean 99
SetAltContact(ByVal strAltContact As String) As Boolean 15
SetAltPhone(ByVal strAltPhone As String) As Boolean 21
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean
SetCompanyName(ByVal strCompanyName As String) As Boolean 41
SetContact(ByVal strContact As String) As Boolean 15
SetEmail(ByVal strEmail As String) As Boolean 1023
SetFax(ByVal strFax As String) As Boolean 21
SetListId(ByVal strVendorListId As String) As Boolean
SetNameFirst(ByVal strNameFirst As String) As Boolean 25
SetNameLast(ByVal strNameLast As String) As Boolean 25
SetNameMiddle(ByVal strNameMiddle As String) As Boolean 5
SetNameOnCheck(ByVal strNameOnCheck As String) As Boolean 41
SetNotes(ByVal strNotes As String) As Boolean 4095
SetPhone(ByVal strPhone As String) As Boolean 21
SetPhoneMobile(ByVal strPhoneMobile As String) As Boolean 21
SetQbName(ByVal strQbName As String) As Boolean 41
SetSalutation(ByVal strSalutation As String) As Boolean 15
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean 21
SetTerms(ByVal strTerms As String) As Boolean 31
SetVendorAddress1(ByVal strVendorAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress2(ByVal strVendorAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress3(ByVal strVendorAddress3 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress4(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress5(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorCity(ByVal strVendorCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetVendorCountry(ByVal strVendorCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetVendorPostalCode(ByVal strVendorPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetVendorState(ByVal strVendorState As String) As Boolean 21
SetVendorType(ByVal strVendorType As String) As Boolean 31

When setting: the AccountRefFullName, SalesRep, ShipMethod, Template, Terms, and all ListIds must match existing values within QuickBooks.

Function Set Max Length
AddInvoiceLine(ByRef invInvoiceLine As clsQBInvoiceLine) As Boolean
ClearInvoice() As Boolean
GetARAccountRefFullName() As String
GetBillToAddress1() As String
GetBillToAddress2() As String
GetBillToAddress3() As String
GetBillToAddress4() As String
GetBillToAddress5() As String
GetBillToCity() As String
GetBillToCountry() As String
GetBillToPostalCode() As String
GetBillToState() As String
GetClassName() As String
GetCompanyId() As Long
GetCompanyName() As String
GetCustomerId() As String
GetCustomerMessage() As String
GetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName() As String
GetDateCreated() As Date
GetDateModified() As Date
GetDateTxn() As Date
GetInvoiceDate() As Date
GetInvoiceDateDue() As Date
GetInvoiceDateShip() As Date
GetInvoiceLine(ByVal lngIndex As Long, ByRef invlinInvoiceLine As clsQBInvoiceLine) As Boolean
GetInvoiceLineCount() As Long
GetIsPaid() As Boolean
GetIsToBeEmailed() As Boolean
GetItemSalesTaxRefFullName() As Boolean
GetMemo() As String
GetPONumber() As String
GetRefNumber() As String
GetSalesRep() As String
GetSalesTax() As Currency
GetShipMethod() As String
GetShipToAddress1() As String
GetShipToAddress2() As String
GetShipToAddress3() As String
GetShipToAddress4() As String
GetShipToAddress5() As String
GetShipToCity() As String
GetShipToCountry() As String
GetShipToPostalCode() As String
GetShipToState() As String
GetTemplate() As String
GetTerms() As String
GetToBePrinted() As Boolean
GetTotal() As Currency
GetTxnId() As String
GetTxnNumber() As Long
SetARAccountRefFullName(ByVal strARAccountRefFullName As String) As Boolean 159
SetBillToAddress1(ByVal strBillToAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress2(ByVal strBillToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress3(ByVal strBillToAddress3 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress4(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress5(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToCity(ByVal strBillToCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetBillToCountry(ByVal strBillToCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetBillToPostalCode(ByVal strBillToPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetBillToState(ByVal strBillToState As String) As Boolean 21
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean 159
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean
SetCustomerId(ByVal strCustomerId As String) As Boolean
SetCustomerMessage(ByVal strCustomerMessage As String) As Boolean 101
SetCustomerName(ByVal strCustomerName As String) As Boolean 209
SetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName(ByVal strCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName As String) As Boolean 159
SetDateCreated(ByVal datCreated As Date) As Boolean
SetDateModified(ByVal datModified As Date) As Boolean
SetDateTxn(ByVal datTxn As Date) As Boolean
SetEditSequence(ByVal strEditSequence As String) As Boolean
SetInvoiceDate(ByVal datInvoice As Date) As Boolean
SetInvoiceDateDue(ByVal datDue As Date) As Boolean
SetInvoiceDateShip(ByVal datShip As Date) As Boolean
SetIsPaid(ByVal binIsPaid As Boolean)
SetIsToBeEmailed(ByVal binIsToBeEmailed As Boolean) As Boolean
SetItemSalesTaxRefFullName(ByVal strItemSalesTaxRefFullName As String) As Boolean
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean 4095
SetPONumber(ByVal strPONumber As String) As Boolean 25
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean 11
SetSalesRep(ByVal strSalesRep As String) As Boolean (must match initials) 5
SetSalesTax(ByVal curSalesTax As Currency) 5
SetShipMethod(ByVal strShipMethod As String) As Boolean (must match existing) 1000
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean 21
SetTemplate(ByVal strTemplate As String) As Boolean 31
SetTerms(ByVal strTerms As String) As Boolean 31
SetToBePrinted(ByVal binToBePrinted As Boolean) As Boolean
SetTotal(ByVal curTotal As Currency) As Boolean
SetTxnId(ByVal strTxnId As String) As Boolean 255
SetTxnNumber(ByVal lngTxnNumber As Long) As Boolean
Function Set Max Length
GetAmount() As Currency
GetClassName() As String
GetDescription() As String
GetIsTaxable() As Boolean
GetItem() As String
GetOther1() As String
GetOther2() As String
GetPrice() As Currency
GetQuantity() As Double
GetRate() As Currency
GetRatePercent() As Double
GetServiceDate() As Date
SetAmount(ByVal curAmount As Currency) As Boolean
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean 159
SetDescription(ByVal strDescription As String) As Boolean 4000
SetIsTaxable(ByVal binIsTaxable As Boolean) As Boolean
SetItem(ByVal strItem As String) As Boolean 31
SetOther1(ByVal strOther1 As String) As Boolean 29
SetOther2(ByVal strOther2 As String) As Boolean 29
SetPrice(ByVal curPrice As Currency) As Boolean
SetQuantity(ByVal dblQuantity As Double) As Boolean
SetRate(ByVal curRate As Currency) As Boolean
SetRatePercent(ByVal dblRatePercent As Double) As Boolean
SetServiceDate(ByVal datService As Date) As Boolean

When setting, the AP AccountRefFullName, Terms, and all ListIds must match existing values within QuickBooks.

Function Set Max Length
AddBillLine(ByRef invBillLine As clsQBBillLine) As Boolean
ClearBill() As Boolean
GetAPAccountRefFullName() As String
GetBillDate() As Date
GetBillDateDue() As Date
GetBillLine(ByVal lngIndex As Long, ByRef invlinBillLine As clsQBBillLine) As Boolean
GetBillLineCount() As Long
GetClassName() As String
GetCompanyId() As Long
GetCompanyName() As String
GetCustomerId() As String
GetCustomerMessage() As String
GetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName() As String
GetDateCreated() As Date
GetDateModified() As Date
GetDateTxn() As Date
GetEditSequence() As String
GetIsPaid() As Boolean
GetMemo() As String
GetRefNumber() As String
GetSalesTax() As Currency
GetTemplate() As String
GetTerms() As String
GetTotal() As Currency
GetTxnId() As String
GetTxnNumber() As Long
GetVendorAddress1() As String
GetVendorAddress2() As String
GetVendorAddress3() As String
GetVendorAddress4() As String
GetVendorAddress5() As String
GetVendorCity() As String
GetVendorCountry() As String
GetVendorPostalCode() As String
GetVendorState() As String
SetAPAccountRefFullName(ByVal strAPAccountRefFullName As String) As Boolean 159
SetBillDate(ByVal datBill As Date) As Boolean
SetBillDateDue(ByVal datDue As Date) As Boolean
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean 159
SetDateCreated(ByVal datCreated As Date) As Boolean
SetDateModified(ByVal datModified As Date) As Boolean
SetDateTxn(ByVal datTxn As Date) As Boolean
SetEditSequence(ByVal strEditSequence As String) As Boolean
SetIsPaid(ByVal binIsToBeEmailed As Boolean) As Boolean
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean 4095
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean 11
SetSalesTax(ByVal curSalesTax As Currency) As Boolean 31
SetTemplate(ByVal strTemplate As String) As Boolean 31
SetTerms(ByVal strTerms As String) As Boolean 31
SetTotal(ByVal curTotal As Currency) As Boolean
SetTxnId(ByVal strTxnId As String) As Boolean 255
SetTxnNumber(ByVal lngTxnNumber As Long) As Boolean
SetVendorAddress1(ByVal strVendorAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress2(ByVal strVendorAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress3(ByVal strVendorAddress3 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress4(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress5(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorCity(ByVal strVendorCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetVendorCountry(ByVal strVendorCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetVendorPostalCode(ByVal strVendorPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetVendorState(ByVal strVendorState As String) As Boolean 21
Function Set Max Length
GetAmount() As Currency
GetClassName() As String
GetDescription() As String
GetItem() As String
GetPrice() As Currency
GetQuantity() As Double
GetRate() As Currency
GetRatePercent() As Double
GetServiceDate() As Date
SetAmount(ByVal curAmount As Currency) As Boolean
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean 159
SetDescription(ByVal strDescription As String) As Boolean 4000
SetItem(ByVal strItem As String) As Boolean 31
SetPrice(ByVal curPrice As Currency) As Boolean
SetQuantity(ByVal dblQuantity As Double) As Boolean
SetRate(ByVal curRate As Currency) As Boolean
SetRatePercent(ByVal dblRatePercent As Double) As Boolean
SetServiceDate(ByVal datService As Date) As Boolean

When setting, the AccountRefFullName, SalesRep, ShipMethod, Template, Terms, and all ListIds must match existing values within QuickBooks.

Function Set Max Length
AddPurchaseOrderLine(ByRef poPurchaseOrderLine As clsQBPurchaseOrderLine) As Boolean
ClearPurchaseOrder() As Boolean
GetClassName() As String
GetDateCreated() As Date
GetDateModified() As Date
GetDateTxn() As Date
GetEditSequence() As String
GetFOB() As String
GetIsToBeEmailed() As Boolean
GetMemo() As String
GetPurchaseOrderDate() As Date
GetPurchaseOrderDateDue() As Date
GetPurchaseOrderDateExpected() As Date
GetPurchaseOrderDateShip() As Date
GetPurchaseOrderLine(ByVal lngIndex As Long, ByRef polinPurchaseOrderLine As clsQBPurchaseOrderLine) As Boolean
GetPurchaseOrderLineCount() As Long
GetRefNumber() As String
GetSalesTax() As Currency
GetShipMethod() As String
GetShipToAddress1() As String
GetShipToAddress2() As String
GetShipToAddress3() As String
GetShipToAddress4() As String
GetShipToAddress5() As String
GetShipToCity() As String
GetShipToCountry() As String
GetShipToPostalCode() As String
GetShipToState() As String
GetTemplate() As String
GetTerms() As String
GetToBePrinted() As Boolean
GetTotal() As Currency
GetTxnId() As String
GetTxnNumber() As Long
GetVendorAddress1() As String
GetVendorAddress2() As String
GetVendorAddress3() As String
GetVendorAddress4() As String
GetVendorAddress5() As String
GetVendorCity() As String
GetVendorCountry() As String
GetVendorPostalCode() As String
GetVendorState() As String
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean 159
SetDateCreated(ByVal datCreated As Date) As Boolean
SetDateModified(ByVal datModified As Date) As Boolean
SetDateTxn(ByVal datTxn As Date) As Boolean
SetEditSequence(ByVal strEditSequence As String) As Boolean
SetFOB(ByVal strFOB As String) As Boolean
SetIsToBeEmailed(ByVal binIsToBeEmailed As Boolean) As Boolean
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean 4095
SetPONumber(ByVal strPONumber As String) As Boolean 25
SetPurchaseOrderDate(ByVal datPurchaseOrder As Date) As Boolean
SetPurchaseOrderDateDue(ByVal datDue As Date) As Boolean
SetPurchaseOrderDateExpected(ByVal datExpected As Date) As Boolean
SetPurchaseOrderDateShip(ByVal datShip As Date) As Boolean
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean 11
SetSalesTax(ByVal curSalesTax As Currency) As Boolean 11
SetShipMethod(ByVal strShipMethod As String) As Boolean (must match existing) 1000
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean 21
SetTemplate(ByVal strTemplate As String) As Boolean 31
SetTerms(ByVal strTerms As String) As Boolean 31
SetToBePrinted(ByVal binToBePrinted As Boolean) As Boolean 31
SetTotal(ByVal curTotal As Currency) As Boolean
SetTxnId(ByVal strTxnId As String) As Boolean 255
SetTxnNumber(ByVal lngTxnNumber As Long) As Boolean
SetVendorAddress1(ByVal strVendorAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress2(ByVal strVendorAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress3(ByVal strVendorAddress3 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress4(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorAddress5(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetVendorCity(ByVal strVendorCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetVendorCountry(ByVal strVendorCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetVendorPostalCode(ByVal strVendorPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetVendorState(ByVal strVendorState As String) As Boolean 21
Function Set Max Length
GetAmount() As Currency
GetClassName() As String
GetDescription() As String
GetItem() As String
GetManufacturerPartNumber() As String
GetOther1() As String
GetOther2() As String
GetPrice() As Currency
GetQuantity() As Double
GetRate() As Currency
GetRatePercent() As Double
GetServiceDate() As Date
SetAmount(ByVal curAmount As Currency) As Boolean
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean 159
SetDescription(ByVal strDescription As String) As Boolean 4000
SetItem(ByVal strItem As String) As Boolean 31
SetManufacturerPartNumber(ByVal strManufacturerPartNumber As String) As Boolean 21
SetOther1(ByVal strOther1 As String) As Boolean 29
SetOther2(ByVal strOther2 As String) As Boolean 29
SetPrice(ByVal curPrice As Currency) As Boolean
SetQuantity(ByVal dblQuantity As Double) As Boolean
SetRate(ByVal curRate As Currency) As Boolean
SetRatePercent(ByVal dblRatePercent As Double) As Boolean
SetServiceDate(ByVal datService As Date) As Boolean

When setting, the AccountRefFullName, SalesRep, ShipMethod, Template, Terms, and all ListIds must match existing values within QuickBooks.

Function Set Max Length
AddSalesReceiptLine(ByRef srSalesReceiptLine As clsQBSalesReceiptLine) As Boolean
ClearSalesReceipt() As Boolean
GetBillToAddress1() As String
GetBillToAddress2() As String
GetBillToAddress3() As String
GetBillToAddress4() As String
GetBillToAddress5() As String
GetBillToCity() As String
GetBillToCountry() As String
GetBillToPostalCode() As String
GetBillToState() As String
GetClassName() As String
GetCompanyId() As Long
GetCustomerId() As String
GetCustomerMessage() As String
GetCustomerName() As String
GetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName() As String
GetDateCreated() As Date
GetDateModified() As Date
GetDateTxn() As Date
GetDepositToAccountRefFullName() As Boolean
GetIsToBeEmailed() As Boolean
GetItemSalesTaxRefFullName() As Boolean
GetMemo() As String
GetPONumber() As String
GetRefNumber() As String
GetSalesReceiptDate() As Date
GetSalesReceiptDateDue() As Date
GetSalesReceiptDateShip() As Date
GetSalesReceiptLine(ByVal lngIndex As Long, ByRef srlinSalesReceiptLine As clsQBSalesReceiptLine) As Boolean
GetSalesReceiptLineCount() As Long
GetSalesRep() As String
GetSalesTax() As Currency
GetShipMethod() As String
GetShipToAddress1() As String
GetShipToAddress2() As String
GetShipToAddress3() As String
GetShipToAddress4() As String
GetShipToAddress5() As String
GetShipToCity() As String
GetShipToCountry() As String
GetShipToPostalCode() As String
GetShipToState() As String
GetTemplate() As String
GetToBePrinted() As String
GetTotal() As Currency
GetTxnId() As String
GetTxnNumber() As Long
SetBillToAddress1(ByVal strBillToAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress2(ByVal strBillToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress3(ByVal strBillToAddress3 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress4(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToAddress5(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean 41
SetBillToCity(ByVal strBillToCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetBillToCountry(ByVal strBillToCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetBillToPostalCode(ByVal strBillToPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetBillToState(ByVal strBillToState As String) As Boolean 21
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean 159
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean
SetCustomerId(ByVal strCustomerId As String) As Boolean
SetCustomerMessage(ByVal strCustomerMessage As String) As Boolean 101
SetCustomerName(ByVal strCustomerName As String) As Boolean 209
SetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName(ByVal strCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName As String) As Boolean 159
SetDateCreated(ByVal datCreated As Date) As Boolean
SetDateModified(ByVal datModified As Date) As Boolean
SetDateTxn(ByVal datTxn As Date) As Boolean
SetDepositToAccountRefFullName(ByVal strDepositToAccountRefFullName As String) As Boolean 159
SetEditSequence(ByVal strEditSequence As String) As Boolean
SetIsToBeEmailed(ByVal binIsToBeEmailed As Boolean) As Boolean
SetItemSalesTaxRefFullName(ByVal strItemSalesTaxRefFullName As String) As Boolean
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean 4095
SetPONumber(ByVal strPONumber As String) As Boolean 25
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean 11
SetSalesReceiptDate(ByVal datSalesReceipt As Date) As Boolean
SetSalesReceiptDateDue(ByVal datDue As Date) As Boolean
SetSalesReceiptDateShip(ByVal datShip As Date) As Boolean
SetSalesRep(ByVal strSalesRep As String) As Boolean (must match initials) 5
SetSalesTax(ByVal curSalesTax As Currency) 5
SetShipMethod(ByVal strShipMethod As String) As Boolean (must match existing) 1000
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean 41
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean 31
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean 13
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean 21
SetTemplate(ByVal strTemplate As String) As Boolean 31
SetToBePrinted(ByVal binToBePrinted As Boolean) As Boolean 31
SetTotal(ByVal curTotal As Currency) As Boolean
SetTxnId(ByVal strTxnId As String) As Boolean 255
SetTxnNumber(ByVal lngTxnNumber As Long) As Boolean
Function Set Max Length
GetAmount() As Currency
GetClassName() As String
GetDescription() As String
GetIsTaxable() As Boolean
GetItem() As String
GetOther1() As String
GetOther2() As String
GetPrice() As Currency
GetQuantity() As Double
GetRate() As Currency
GetRatePercent() As Double
GetServiceDate() As Date
SetAmount(ByVal curAmount As Currency) As Boolean
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean 159
SetDescription(ByVal strDescription As String) As Boolean 4000
SetIsTaxable(ByVal binIsTaxable As Boolean) As Boolean
SetItem(ByVal strItem As String) As Boolean 31
SetOther1(ByVal strOther1 As String) As Boolean 29
SetOther2(ByVal strOther2 As String) As Boolean 29
SetPrice(ByVal curPrice As Currency) As Boolean
SetQuantity(ByVal dblQuantity As Double) As Boolean
SetRate(ByVal curRate As Currency) As Boolean
SetRatePercent(ByVal dblRatePercent As Double) As Boolean
SetServiceDate(ByVal datService As Date) As Boolean

When setting, the AccountFullName, PaymentMethodFullName, and all ListIds must match existing values within QuickBooks.

Function Set Max Length
Clear() As Boolean
GetARAccountFullName() As String
GetARAccountListId() As String
GetCompanyId() As Long
GetCompanyName() As String
GetCreditCardInputInfo() As clsQBCreditCardInputInfo
GetCreditCardResultInfo() As clsQBCreditCardResultInfo
GetCustomerListId() As String
GetDepositToAccountListId() As String
GetMemo() As String
GetPaymentDate() As Date
GetPaymentId() As Long
GetPaymentMethodFullName() As String
GetPaymentMethodListId() As String
GetRefNumber() As String
GetTotalAmount() As Currency
SetARAccountFullName(ByVal strARAccountFullName As String) As Boolean 159
SetARAccountListId(ByVal strARAccountListId As String) As Boolean
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean
SetCustomerListId(ByVal strCustomerListId As String) As Boolean
SetCustomerName(ByVal strCustomerName As String) As Boolean 209
SetDepositToAccountListId(ByVal strDepositToAccountListId As String) As Boolean
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean 4095
SetPaymentDate(ByVal datPayment As Date) As Boolean
SetPaymentId(ByVal lngPaymentId As Long) As Boolean
SetPaymentMethodFullName(ByVal strPaymentMethodFullName As String) As Boolean
SetPaymentMethodListId(ByVal strPaymentMethodListId As String) As Boolean
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean 20
SetTotalAmount(ByVal curTotalAmount As Currency) As Boolean
Function Set Max Length
ClearClassAdd() As Boolean
GetQbName() As String
SetQbName(ByVal strQbName As String) As Boolean 31

Note that strPaymentMethodType is a credit card or payment type. The value must contain Amex, Cash, ECheck, Check, Debit, Discover, Gift, Master, or Visa.

Function Set Max Length
GetPaymentMethodType() As Long
GetQbName() As String
SetPaymentMethodType(ByVal strPaymentMethodType As String) As Boolean
SetQbName(ByVal strQbName As String) As Boolean 31
Function Set Max Length
ClearSalesTaxAdd() As Boolean
GetBarcode() As String
GetFullName() As String
GetItemDesc() As String
GetQbName() As String
GetTaxRate() As Double
GetTaxVendor() As String
SetBarcode(ByVal strBarcode As String) As Boolean 50
SetFullName(ByVal strFullName As String) As Boolean 159
SetItemDesc(ByVal strItemDesc As String) As Boolean 4095
SetQbName(ByVal strQbName As String) As Boolean 31
SetTaxRate(ByVal dblTaxRate As Double) As Boolean
SetTaxVendor(ByVal strTaxVendor As String) As Boolean 41