Microsoft Access Pros, Inc. has developed a Microsoft Access executable (qblink.accde) library that
allows communication directly with QuickBooks versions from QuickBooks 2002 up to QuickBooks
2015 (and likely future years).
The classes listed below cannot be used directly in the application due to a limitation of Microsoft Access. Therefore, the developer must create an Object, assign the
object to a class via a Class Wrapper function, and then use the object to reference all methods and properties.
All Set methods return True if successful, or False if not. The only known way of
returning False is if the developer does not pass a string. The Set methods limit the string passed to
the Max Length, without error for exceeding the Max Length.
Function |
Set Max Length |
ClearCustomerAdd() As Boolean |
GetAltContact() As String |
GetAltPhone() As String |
GetBillToAddress1() As String |
GetBillToAddress2() As String |
GetBillToAddress3() As String |
GetBillToAddress4() As String |
GetBillToAddress5() As String |
GetBillToCity() As String |
GetBillToCountry() As String |
GetBillToPostalCode() As String |
GetBillToState() As String |
GetCompanyId() As Long |
GetCompanyName() As String |
GetContact() As String |
GetEmail() As String |
GetFax() As String |
GetFullName() As String |
GetListId() As String |
GetNameFirst() As String |
GetNameLast() As String |
GetNameMiddle() As String |
GetNotes() As String |
GetPhone() As String |
GetPhoneMobile() As String |
GetQbName() As String |
GetSalutation() As String |
GetShipToAddress1() As String |
GetShipToAddress2() As String |
GetShipToAddress3() As String |
GetShipToAddress4() As String |
GetShipToAddress5() As String |
GetShipToCity() As String |
GetShipToCountry() As String |
GetShipToPostalCode() As String |
GetShipToState() As String |
SetAltContact(ByVal strAltContact As String) As Boolean |
15 |
SetAltPhone(ByVal strAltPhone As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetBillToAddress1(ByVal strBillToAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress2(ByVal strBillToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress3(ByVal strBillToAddress3 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress4(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress5(ByVal strBillToAddress5 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToCity(ByVal strBillToCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetBillToCountry(ByVal strBillToCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetBillToPostalCode(ByVal strBillToPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetBillToState(ByVal strBillToState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean |
SetCompanyName(ByVal strCompanyName As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetContact(ByVal strContact As String) As Boolean |
15 |
SetEmail(ByVal strEmail As String) As Boolean |
1023 |
SetFax(ByVal strFax As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetFullName(ByVal strNameFull As String) As Boolean |
209 |
SetListId(ByVal strCustomerListId As String) As Boolean |
SetNameFirst(ByVal strNameFirst As String) As Boolean |
25 |
SetNameLast(ByVal strNameLast As String) As Boolean |
25 |
SetNameMiddle(ByVal strNameMiddle As String) As Boolean |
5 |
SetNotes(ByVal strNotes As String) As Boolean |
4095 |
SetPhone(ByVal strPhone As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetPhoneMobile(ByVal strPhoneMobile As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetQbName(ByVal strQbName As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetSalutation(ByVal strSalutation As String) As Boolean |
15 |
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress5 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
When setting, the Terms, VendorType, and all ListIds, each must match existing values within QuickBooks.
Function |
Set Max Length |
ClearVendorAdd() As Boolean |
As String |
As String |
GetAltPhone() As String |
GetCompanyId() As Long |
GetCompanyName() As String |
GetContact() As String |
GetEmail() As String |
GetFax() As String |
GetListId() As String |
GetNameFirst() As String |
GetNameLast() As String |
GetNameMiddle() As String |
GetNameOnCheck() As String |
GetNotes() As String |
GetPhone() As String |
GetPhoneMobile() As String |
GetQbName() As String |
GetSalutation() As String |
GetShipToAddress1() As String |
GetShipToAddress2() As String |
GetShipToAddress3() As String |
GetShipToAddress4() As String |
GetShipToAddress5() As String |
GetShipToCity() As String |
GetShipToCountry() As String |
GetShipToPostalCode() As String |
GetShipToState() As String |
GetTerms() As String |
GetVendorAddress1() As String |
GetVendorAddress2() As String |
GetVendorAddress3() As String |
GetVendorAddress4() As String |
GetVendorAddress5() As String |
GetVendorCity() As String |
GetVendorCountry() As String |
GetVendorPostalCode() As String |
GetVendorState() As String |
GetVendorType() As String |
SetAccountNumber(ByVal strAccountNumber As String) As Boolean |
99 |
SetAltContact(ByVal strAltContact As String) As Boolean |
15 |
SetAltPhone(ByVal strAltPhone As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean |
SetCompanyName(ByVal strCompanyName As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetContact(ByVal strContact As String) As Boolean |
15 |
SetEmail(ByVal strEmail As String) As Boolean |
1023 |
SetFax(ByVal strFax As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetListId(ByVal strVendorListId As String) As Boolean |
SetNameFirst(ByVal strNameFirst As String) As Boolean |
25 |
SetNameLast(ByVal strNameLast As String) As Boolean |
25 |
SetNameMiddle(ByVal strNameMiddle As String) As Boolean |
5 |
SetNameOnCheck(ByVal strNameOnCheck As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetNotes(ByVal strNotes As String) As Boolean |
4095 |
SetPhone(ByVal strPhone As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetPhoneMobile(ByVal strPhoneMobile As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetQbName(ByVal strQbName As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetSalutation(ByVal strSalutation As String) As Boolean |
15 |
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetTerms(ByVal strTerms As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetVendorAddress1(ByVal strVendorAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress2(ByVal strVendorAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress3(ByVal strVendorAddress3 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress4(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress5(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorCity(ByVal strVendorCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetVendorCountry(ByVal strVendorCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetVendorPostalCode(ByVal strVendorPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetVendorState(ByVal strVendorState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetVendorType(ByVal strVendorType As String) As Boolean |
31 |
When setting: the AccountRefFullName, SalesRep, ShipMethod, Template, Terms, and all
ListIds must match existing values within QuickBooks.
Function |
Set Max Length |
AddInvoiceLine(ByRef invInvoiceLine As clsQBInvoiceLine) As Boolean |
ClearInvoice() As Boolean |
GetARAccountRefFullName() As String |
GetBillToAddress1() As String |
GetBillToAddress2() As String |
GetBillToAddress3() As String |
GetBillToAddress4() As String |
GetBillToAddress5() As String |
GetBillToCity() As String |
GetBillToCountry() As String |
GetBillToPostalCode() As String |
GetBillToState() As String |
GetClassName() As String |
GetCompanyId() As Long |
GetCompanyName() As String |
GetCustomerId() As String |
GetCustomerMessage() As String |
GetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName() As String |
GetDateCreated() As Date |
GetDateModified() As Date |
GetDateTxn() As Date |
GetInvoiceDate() As Date |
GetInvoiceDateDue() As Date |
GetInvoiceDateShip() As Date |
GetInvoiceLine(ByVal lngIndex As Long, ByRef invlinInvoiceLine As clsQBInvoiceLine) As Boolean |
GetInvoiceLineCount() As Long |
GetIsPaid() As Boolean |
GetIsToBeEmailed() As Boolean |
GetItemSalesTaxRefFullName() As Boolean |
GetMemo() As String |
GetPONumber() As String |
GetRefNumber() As String |
GetSalesRep() As String |
GetSalesTax() As Currency |
GetShipMethod() As String |
GetShipToAddress1() As String |
GetShipToAddress2() As String |
GetShipToAddress3() As String |
GetShipToAddress4() As String |
GetShipToAddress5() As String |
GetShipToCity() As String |
GetShipToCountry() As String |
GetShipToPostalCode() As String |
GetShipToState() As String |
GetTemplate() As String |
GetTerms() As String |
GetToBePrinted() As Boolean |
GetTotal() As Currency |
GetTxnId() As String |
GetTxnNumber() As Long |
SetARAccountRefFullName(ByVal strARAccountRefFullName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetBillToAddress1(ByVal strBillToAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress2(ByVal strBillToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress3(ByVal strBillToAddress3 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress4(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress5(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToCity(ByVal strBillToCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetBillToCountry(ByVal strBillToCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetBillToPostalCode(ByVal strBillToPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetBillToState(ByVal strBillToState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean |
SetCustomerId(ByVal strCustomerId As String) As Boolean |
SetCustomerMessage(ByVal strCustomerMessage As String) As Boolean |
101 |
SetCustomerName(ByVal strCustomerName As String) As Boolean |
209 |
SetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName(ByVal strCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetDateCreated(ByVal datCreated As Date) As Boolean |
SetDateModified(ByVal datModified As Date) As Boolean |
SetDateTxn(ByVal datTxn As Date) As Boolean |
SetEditSequence (ByVal strEditSequence As String) As Boolean |
SetInvoiceDate(ByVal datInvoice As Date) As Boolean |
SetInvoiceDateDue(ByVal datDue As Date) As Boolean |
SetInvoiceDateShip(ByVal datShip As Date) As Boolean |
SetIsPaid(ByVal binIsPaid As Boolean) |
SetIsToBeEmailed(ByVal binIsToBeEmailed As Boolean) As Boolean |
SetItemSalesTaxRefFullName(ByVal strItemSalesTaxRefFullName As String) As Boolean |
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean |
4095 |
SetPONumber(ByVal strPONumber As String) As Boolean |
25 |
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean |
11 |
SetSalesRep(ByVal strSalesRep As String) As Boolean (must match initials) |
5 |
SetSalesTax(ByVal curSalesTax As Currency) |
5 |
SetShipMethod(ByVal strShipMethod As String) As Boolean (must match existing) |
1000 |
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetTemplate(ByVal strTemplate As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetTerms(ByVal strTerms As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetToBePrinted(ByVal binToBePrinted As Boolean) As Boolean |
SetTotal(ByVal curTotal As Currency) As Boolean |
SetTxnId(ByVal strTxnId As String) As Boolean |
255 |
SetTxnNumber(ByVal lngTxnNumber As Long) As Boolean |
When setting, the AP AccountRefFullName, Terms, and all
ListIds must match existing values within QuickBooks.
Function |
Set Max Length |
AddBillLine(ByRef invBillLine As clsQBBillLine) As Boolean |
ClearBill() As Boolean |
GetAPAccountRefFullName() As String |
GetBillDate() As Date |
GetBillDateDue() As Date |
GetBillLine(ByVal lngIndex As Long, ByRef invlinBillLine As clsQBBillLine) As Boolean |
GetBillLineCount() As Long |
GetClassName() As String |
GetCompanyId() As Long |
GetCompanyName() As String |
GetCustomerId() As String |
GetCustomerMessage() As String |
GetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName() As String |
GetDateCreated() As Date |
GetDateModified() As Date |
GetDateTxn() As Date |
GetEditSequence() As String |
GetIsPaid() As Boolean |
GetMemo() As String |
GetRefNumber() As String |
GetSalesTax() As Currency |
GetTemplate() As String |
GetTerms() As String |
GetTotal() As Currency |
GetTxnId() As String |
GetTxnNumber() As Long |
GetVendorAddress1() As String |
GetVendorAddress2() As String |
GetVendorAddress3() As String |
GetVendorAddress4() As String |
GetVendorAddress5() As String |
GetVendorCity() As String |
GetVendorCountry() As String |
GetVendorPostalCode() As String |
GetVendorState() As String |
SetAPAccountRefFullName(ByVal strAPAccountRefFullName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetBillDate(ByVal datBill As Date) As Boolean |
SetBillDateDue(ByVal datDue As Date) As Boolean |
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetDateCreated(ByVal datCreated As Date) As Boolean |
SetDateModified(ByVal datModified As Date) As Boolean |
SetDateTxn(ByVal datTxn As Date) As Boolean |
SetEditSequence(ByVal strEditSequence As String) As Boolean |
SetIsPaid(ByVal binIsToBeEmailed As Boolean) As Boolean |
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean |
4095 |
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean |
11 |
SetSalesTax(ByVal curSalesTax As Currency) As Boolean |
31 |
SetTemplate(ByVal strTemplate As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetTerms(ByVal strTerms As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetTotal(ByVal curTotal As Currency) As Boolean |
SetTxnId(ByVal strTxnId As String) As Boolean |
255 |
SetTxnNumber(ByVal lngTxnNumber As Long) As Boolean |
SetVendorAddress1(ByVal strVendorAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress2(ByVal strVendorAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress3(ByVal strVendorAddress3 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress4(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress5(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorCity(ByVal strVendorCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetVendorCountry(ByVal strVendorCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetVendorPostalCode(ByVal strVendorPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetVendorState(ByVal strVendorState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
When setting, the AccountRefFullName, SalesRep, ShipMethod, Template, Terms, and all
ListIds must match existing values within QuickBooks.
Function |
Set Max Length |
AddPurchaseOrderLine(ByRef poPurchaseOrderLine As clsQBPurchaseOrderLine) As Boolean |
ClearPurchaseOrder() As Boolean |
GetClassName() As String |
GetDateCreated() As Date |
GetDateModified() As Date |
GetDateTxn() As Date |
GetEditSequence() As String |
GetFOB () As String |
GetIsToBeEmailed() As Boolean |
GetMemo() As String |
GetPurchaseOrderDate() As Date |
GetPurchaseOrderDateDue() As Date |
GetPurchaseOrderDateExpected() As Date |
GetPurchaseOrderDateShip() As Date |
GetPurchaseOrderLine(ByVal lngIndex As Long, ByRef polinPurchaseOrderLine As clsQBPurchaseOrderLine) As Boolean |
GetPurchaseOrderLineCount() As Long |
GetRefNumber() As String |
GetSalesTax() As Currency |
GetShipMethod() As String |
GetShipToAddress1() As String |
GetShipToAddress2() As String |
GetShipToAddress3() As String |
GetShipToAddress4() As String |
GetShipToAddress5() As String |
GetShipToCity() As String |
GetShipToCountry() As String |
GetShipToPostalCode() As String |
GetShipToState() As String |
GetTemplate() As String |
GetTerms() As String |
GetToBePrinted() As Boolean |
GetTotal() As Currency |
GetTxnId() As String |
GetTxnNumber() As Long |
GetVendorAddress1() As String |
GetVendorAddress2() As String |
GetVendorAddress3() As String |
GetVendorAddress4() As String |
GetVendorAddress5() As String |
GetVendorCity() As String |
GetVendorCountry() As String |
GetVendorPostalCode() As String |
GetVendorState() As String |
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetDateCreated(ByVal datCreated As Date) As Boolean |
SetDateModified(ByVal datModified As Date) As Boolean |
SetDateTxn(ByVal datTxn As Date) As Boolean |
SetEditSequence(ByVal strEditSequence As String) As Boolean |
SetFOB(ByVal strFOB As String) As Boolean |
SetIsToBeEmailed(ByVal binIsToBeEmailed As Boolean) As Boolean |
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean |
4095 |
SetPONumber(ByVal strPONumber As String) As Boolean |
25 |
SetPurchaseOrderDate(ByVal datPurchaseOrder As Date) As Boolean |
SetPurchaseOrderDateDue(ByVal datDue As Date) As Boolean |
SetPurchaseOrderDateExpected(ByVal datExpected As Date) As Boolean |
SetPurchaseOrderDateShip(ByVal datShip As Date) As Boolean |
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean |
11 |
SetSalesTax(ByVal curSalesTax As Currency) As Boolean |
11 |
SetShipMethod(ByVal strShipMethod As String) As Boolean (must match existing) |
1000 |
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetTemplate(ByVal strTemplate As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetTerms(ByVal strTerms As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetToBePrinted(ByVal binToBePrinted As Boolean) As Boolean |
31 |
SetTotal(ByVal curTotal As Currency) As Boolean |
SetTxnId(ByVal strTxnId As String) As Boolean |
255 |
SetTxnNumber(ByVal lngTxnNumber As Long) As Boolean |
SetVendorAddress1(ByVal strVendorAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress2(ByVal strVendorAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress3(ByVal strVendorAddress3 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress4(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorAddress5(ByVal strVendorAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetVendorCity(ByVal strVendorCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetVendorCountry(ByVal strVendorCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetVendorPostalCode(ByVal strVendorPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetVendorState(ByVal strVendorState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
When setting, the AccountRefFullName, SalesRep, ShipMethod, Template, Terms, and all
ListIds must match existing values within QuickBooks.
Function |
Set Max Length |
AddSalesReceiptLine(ByRef srSalesReceiptLine As clsQBSalesReceiptLine) As Boolean |
ClearSalesReceipt() As Boolean |
GetBillToAddress1() As String |
GetBillToAddress2() As String |
GetBillToAddress3() As String |
GetBillToAddress4() As String |
GetBillToAddress5() As String |
GetBillToCity() As String |
GetBillToCountry() As String |
GetBillToPostalCode() As String |
GetBillToState() As String |
GetClassName() As String |
GetCompanyId() As Long |
GetCustomerId() As String |
GetCustomerMessage() As String |
GetCustomerName() As String |
GetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName() As String |
GetDateCreated() As Date |
GetDateModified() As Date |
GetDateTxn() As Date |
GetDepositToAccountRefFullName() As Boolean |
GetIsToBeEmailed() As Boolean |
GetItemSalesTaxRefFullName() As Boolean |
GetMemo() As String |
GetPONumber() As String |
GetRefNumber() As String |
GetSalesReceiptDate() As Date |
GetSalesReceiptDateDue() As Date |
GetSalesReceiptDateShip() As Date |
GetSalesReceiptLine(ByVal lngIndex As Long, ByRef srlinSalesReceiptLine As clsQBSalesReceiptLine) As Boolean |
GetSalesReceiptLineCount() As Long |
GetSalesRep() As String |
GetSalesTax() As Currency |
GetShipMethod() As String |
GetShipToAddress1() As String |
GetShipToAddress2() As String |
GetShipToAddress3() As String |
GetShipToAddress4() As String |
GetShipToAddress5() As String |
GetShipToCity() As String |
GetShipToCountry() As String |
GetShipToPostalCode() As String |
GetShipToState() As String |
GetTemplate() As String |
GetToBePrinted() As String |
GetTotal() As Currency |
GetTxnId() As String |
GetTxnNumber() As Long |
SetBillToAddress1(ByVal strBillToAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress2(ByVal strBillToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress3(ByVal strBillToAddress3 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress4(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToAddress5(ByVal strBillToAddress4 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetBillToCity(ByVal strBillToCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetBillToCountry(ByVal strBillToCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetBillToPostalCode(ByVal strBillToPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetBillToState(ByVal strBillToState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetClassName(ByVal strClassName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean |
SetCustomerId(ByVal strCustomerId As String) As Boolean |
SetCustomerMessage(ByVal strCustomerMessage As String) As Boolean |
101 |
SetCustomerName(ByVal strCustomerName As String) As Boolean |
209 |
SetCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName(ByVal strCustomerSalesTaxCodeRefFullName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetDateCreated(ByVal datCreated As Date) As Boolean |
SetDateModified(ByVal datModified As Date) As Boolean |
SetDateTxn(ByVal datTxn As Date) As Boolean |
SetDepositToAccountRefFullName(ByVal strDepositToAccountRefFullName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetEditSequence(ByVal strEditSequence As String) As Boolean |
SetIsToBeEmailed(ByVal binIsToBeEmailed As Boolean) As Boolean |
SetItemSalesTaxRefFullName(ByVal strItemSalesTaxRefFullName As String) As Boolean |
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean |
4095 |
SetPONumber(ByVal strPONumber As String) As Boolean |
25 |
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean |
11 |
SetSalesReceiptDate(ByVal datSalesReceipt As Date) As Boolean |
SetSalesReceiptDateDue(ByVal datDue As Date) As Boolean |
SetSalesReceiptDateShip(ByVal datShip As Date) As Boolean |
SetSalesRep(ByVal strSalesRep As String) As Boolean (must match initials) |
5 |
SetSalesTax(ByVal curSalesTax As Currency) |
5 |
SetShipMethod(ByVal strShipMethod As String) As Boolean (must match existing) |
1000 |
SetShipToAddress1(ByVal strShipToAddress1 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress2(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress3(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress4(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToAddress5(ByVal strShipToAddress2 As String) As Boolean |
41 |
SetShipToCity(ByVal strShipToCity As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToCountry(ByVal strShipToCountry As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetShipToPostalCode(ByVal strShipToPostalCode As String) As Boolean |
13 |
SetShipToState(ByVal strShipToState As String) As Boolean |
21 |
SetTemplate(ByVal strTemplate As String) As Boolean |
31 |
SetToBePrinted(ByVal binToBePrinted As Boolean) As Boolean |
31 |
SetTotal(ByVal curTotal As Currency) As Boolean |
SetTxnId(ByVal strTxnId As String) As Boolean |
255 |
SetTxnNumber(ByVal lngTxnNumber As Long) As Boolean |
setting, the AccountFullName, PaymentMethodFullName, and all ListIds must match
existing values within QuickBooks.
Function |
Set Max Length |
Clear() As Boolean |
GetARAccountFullName() As String |
GetARAccountListId() As String |
GetCompanyId() As Long |
GetCompanyName() As String |
GetCreditCardInputInfo() As clsQBCreditCardInputInfo |
GetCreditCardResultInfo() As clsQBCreditCardResultInfo |
GetCustomerListId() As String |
GetDepositToAccountListId() As String |
GetMemo() As String |
GetPaymentDate() As Date |
GetPaymentId() As Long |
GetPaymentMethodFullName() As String |
GetPaymentMethodListId() As String |
GetRefNumber() As String |
GetTotalAmount() As Currency |
SetARAccountFullName(ByVal strARAccountFullName As String) As Boolean |
159 |
SetARAccountListId(ByVal strARAccountListId As String) As Boolean |
SetCompanyId(ByVal lngCompanyId As Long) As Boolean |
SetCustomerListId(ByVal strCustomerListId As String) As Boolean |
SetCustomerName(ByVal strCustomerName As String) As Boolean |
209 |
SetDepositToAccountListId(ByVal strDepositToAccountListId As String) As Boolean |
SetMemo(ByVal strMemo As String) As Boolean |
4095 |
SetPaymentDate(ByVal datPayment As Date) As Boolean |
SetPaymentId(ByVal lngPaymentId As Long) As Boolean |
SetPaymentMethodFullName(ByVal strPaymentMethodFullName As String) As Boolean |
SetPaymentMethodListId(ByVal strPaymentMethodListId As String) As Boolean |
SetRefNumber(ByVal strRefNumber As String) As Boolean |
20 |
SetTotalAmount(ByVal curTotalAmount As Currency) As Boolean |
Note that strPaymentMethodType is a credit card or payment type. The value must contain Amex, Cash, ECheck,
Check, Debit, Discover, Gift, Master, or Visa.