Record all errors: Don't expect the customer to write down every error message or send you a screenshot. Trap all errors and write them
to a separate database. Then, you can retrieve the exact message. Make sure you also record as many error details as you can, including the function and/or
class where the error occurred. This is an example of a simple function using error logging:
' This function shows startup options.
' Written: 2010Oct20 MicrosoftAccessPros.Net
Public Function hlpShowStartupOptions() as Boolean
On Error GoTo hlpShowStartupOptionsError
'Show each passed startup property
Dim prpProperty As Property
For Each prpProperty In CurrentDb.Properties
MsgBox prpProperty.Name
hlpShowStartupOptions = True
Exit Function
hlpShowStartupOptions = False
logWriteError Error$, vbCritical, "hlpShowStartupOptions"
Resume hlpShowStartupOptionsExit
End Function